Hi hiπππ, its been a while, well its been a really long while but maybe I have an explanation for disappearing for years, maybe I don’t… But of course, I do. Its been a really terrible week so now, I’m weak and sickπππ of life but everyone gets really weak and sick of life once in a while, in fact, getting sick and weak of life is like a daily routine for every normal person… What? You don’t get sick and weak every day? Oh, lucky you! I suffer with this bitch all the time… Let’s wander deep into another topic life threw at me today… Shall we? Yes, we shall. You have no choiceπππ
The weather these few days has been gloomy and as much as I tried to avoid been sad because when I look up, all I see is dark skies? I am gloomy… All the happy, happy things I do didn’t work this time… But we can’t be happy all the time, can we? So here’s another reason as to why I disappeared, I was moody, I’m still moody and knowing I won’t get better till I share what’s roaming about in my head with y’all, I decided to say hi today. And since the sky refused to brighten my mood, we shall be talking about, our demons. You weren’t expecting this?!!! Sorry, its all I’ve been thinking about.
Y’all have heard about demons, I’m sure, if it’s not from horror movies, its from church, not from there? Then it’d be from our personal demons. Yes, everyone has their demons… That one time you begin to feel gloomy and sad for no reason? It’s close… That time you begin to think bad about someone? Oh, it’s there… Are you wondering if he possesses you or not? Of course not, you’re your demon and your demon is you… You’re one… And if you’re weird and you’re wondering if they’re male or female? Depends on your preferences… I like to think that mine is maleπππ. And if you do not like demons, I’m sorry, you’re going to need to embrace them…
Okay, while growing up, I remember watching “Michael Jackson’s Thriller”. According to the video, there was something about a zombie and he becoming one and then he had companions… They were so beautiful… Lol, I grew up being terrified of that video until I began to watch horror movies… Who else prefers them to romance shitty movies? Oh you do? πππ… Oh, you do not?πππ good luck believing their shitty ass lies… Okay, back to horror movies, they’ve taught me to visualize demons… Are you wondering if they’re real? Well, According to my religion (I’m a Muslim, by the way), I know of ” Jinns”. They’re creatures we can’t see or talk to but they look like us. They’re like humans that they have inhumane qualities.Β Anyway, we all have our personal jinns, that’s according to my religion… Then there are the people who act like they’re possessed or something, those ones that strive to make our lives a living hell? Yes, they’re human demonsπππ, they’re everywhere. Thinking of it, I’m a human demon… I do make lives miserable, not my fault, they started it.
Back to the horror movies, the likes of “conjuring 1 and 2, drag me to hell? Insidious 1, 2, 3, the nun” and many others. They always portray the demons as ugly and uninviting which has me thinking about their physical features… But I can only wonder… Are you like me who acknowledges that they’re everywhere? Reminds me of the day I cleaned the house and when i woke up, every where looked like a refuse dump… I complained to my mother and she goes “Precious, dont you know we’re not the only living beings? When we live during the day, they live during the night”. What about those people who avoid going to the toilets at night? Because they’re scared they’d see something they shouldn’t see… I always go at night so I’d see something I shouldn’t see… Weird huh? So, now, I sit and think about those things that are happening. Things that I can’t see… I look up and wonder ” what if I’m staring directly at a demon right now?” “What if it’s waiting for me to let my guard down so he’d possess me?” So many what ifs… So let me ask you “What if you could see everything like I wish to? You look up to see a demon staring right back at you, what would you do?”
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