As Steve sat in the circle with the other people; his kind, he realized how tired he really was from hiding and being scared of himself and of what people would think; his family,fiancé. They were all getting introduced, the guy next to him just finished speaking and it would be his turn soon. He heard the voice of the leader then, urging him to introduce himself and tell his story… Lol,his story… It used to be his nightmare. His decision to come out with the truth had not been easy but he had to do it.
He couldn’t deal with living a lie anymore. He took a deep breath now and cleared his throat. “Here we go”, he muttered.
“Hello everyone,My name is Steve, I have a girlfriend but I’m in love with her brother”.
Steve could hear whispers already, he was expecting this reaction. It was incredible, even for him. He had to get it over with.
“At first I didn’t know I was. I’m sure I had no idea. I love my girlfriend, we are supposed to get married next summer. But the problem is her brother,when he looks at me, there’s this fire it ignites. It’s like…its like nothing i have ever felt. I was confused at first, I didn’t know what it meant. I avoided going over to her family house or meeting him. He would shake my hand and I would get a chill down my spine, blood in my groin and I could not shake it off”. Just thinking about it made him shiver,he remembered the nights with Linda, he reached orgasm thinking of Adam.
“I would dream about him. How soft his hands are,his smile,the way he says my name,his eyes. I’m not supposed to notice these things but I do,sadly.
I feel guilty because I’m still committed to Linda, my girlfriend, we still make love but its not the same anymore. All I ever think about is getting into Adam’s butthole.
It still feels strange. One minute I’m ready to marry the love of my life, the next minute I realise I’m gay. Since I found myself, I haven’t been the same and it feels like I’m hiding. Linda sees the difference now but she doesn’t know yet. The sad part is I don’t think Adam is gay too. But I can’t keep living like this. I made the decision to come out two days ago when Linda told me that Adam was relocating to another part of the country. I feel this urgency to clear my soul before he leaves”. He paused,realising how much he wanted to let it out. He took a deep breath and continued, someone was holding his hand now; a form of support, “I’m here because I don’t know how to go about it. How do I tell Linda that her boyfriend of so long is gay and he is in love with her brother? How do I tell my parents? There are pastors in their church, my dad was a mayor in his town. I went to Harvard. I have a successful career. This would ruin my life. But I cannot sleep at night anymore. I don’t have peace. I can’t keep looking at a vagina. I detest it now. I want Adam. I want him so much, it scares me”. His voice broke, “please help me. What do I do?”
Written by: Omar_Prisca
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