When I was asked why I wanted to do this, I asked myself countless times and I barely could think enough to get an answer. Everything requires tons of work, just living requires tons of work. You have to live enough to ensure to make the best decisions, sometimes we’re lucky enough… Sometimes we’re not. Sometimes we grow to not have the desire to even make choices and so we’re neither lucky nor unlucky.
But then again, in order to live the fulfilled life every human so desires, these choices fly in our heads and we still make them at some point. In order to not wither away unnoticed, we strive to make these choices even when we wither inside. But that’s not the point because if we chose to wither away without making efforts to not wither away, the life we so much cherish fades away… So quick, like a flash.
On a brighter note, it reminds me of The Flash, according to the series, Barry Allen is a guy who tried to figure out his life before and after he was struck by lightning… Barry Allen is an enthusiastic personality, he runs… Not running away from the truth, he runs to the truth and so he embraces life just the way he sees it but not without trying to make and change the truth… And so that series, as cliche as it may look, it always inspires me to make or change my truth… And so no matter how down I may be feeling every morning because I’m not where I dream of being. Heck! I do not even have the dream yet and that’s sadder, I wake up and begin to run, just like The Flash has taught me.
However, this whirlwind called life does not stop me from becoming what I hope to be. No matter how bad the storm may be, we are one step ahead because we’re living life, life’s not living us and so we have an upper hand. Eventually, he (life) is going to notice that we’re much more than he thinks we are and he’s going to let us do whatever we want without bringing his friends; Karma, Cupid, Mother nature… He is going to let us start afresh no matter the amount of times we choose to. Like “Shawn Mendes” blessed us with his song “In my blood“… He sings
” Help me
Its like the walls are caving in
Sometimes I feel like giving up
But I just can’t
It isn’t in my blood”
This song burns into my soul whenever I listen to it because just like “Barry Allen” has taught me to be strong, “Shawn Mendes” says that no matter how strong the feeling of giving up is, we should not cave into it because it isn’t in our blood… We’re stronger than what we think, we’re fighters
In the words of “Amarendra Baahubali” in a movie I watched which is Indian by the way:
“Our Hands are our weapons
This life is our battlefield
Each one of us is a powerful army”.
So if you’re wondering if everything is ever going to get back to normal because you\’ve made tons of mistakes? Look to your right and make a fresh start like I’m doing because:
” This life is like firecrackers
They die as soon as they lit up
So live happily”.
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